Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Wow....I BC'd (big chopped) on March 12th of this year...meaning I cut off all of my hair until it was only 1 inch long all over. My natural journey began a little before that, but it really went into high gear after the BC. I've had amazing growth and healthy hair since then and I couldn't be happier!

I've got to give a shout out to a blog that really inspires me (OK, I stalk it every single day and have read every single post, archived post and have viewed every pic they have...lol!) It's called Black Girl with Long Hair (blackgirllonghair.blogspot.com) and it's definitely my #1 favorite natural hair blog. I consider them my go-to source for general info on how to care for my natural hair, as well as style tips and everything else under the sun concerning natural hair. It's beautifully and intelligently written by lovely natural chicks for lovely natural chicks and I wish them continued growth and success. You should check them out ASAP.

In the meantime, here are some pics of my hair:)